Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Catoctin Wildlife Zoo

Dear Tiger -

Yesterday we took the kids to the catoctin wildlife zoo in Thurmont. I really enjoyed our time as a family and it just reminded me of all the reasons that I love you. A few of things that I thought about yesterday was...
  • I love you because of the way that you care about your family. Seeing you care for Kale when he had a reaction just reminded me of how much you care about all of us.
  • I love you because of your laughter. I enjoyed just laughing at the different animals and just enjoying each others company.
  • I love you naviety - You pointing out the love monkeys to our kids... You are always adventure and fun to be around.
  • I love your softness - watching you feed the allpac's and be gentle with them reminded me of how you are soft and gentle with all of in your life.

I just love life with you and enjoy the times that we can spend together!

Your Wild Animal....