Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Clue Weekend

Dear Ms. Scarlet -

I just wanted to write a small note telling you how much I enjoyed our family fun time weekend together. I enjoyed watching 24 with you and I enjoyed the many games of clue. You are very much a detective and I hope that you can detect my love for you.

I look forward to many more weekend like this one as we build our family and our lives together.

Col. Mustard

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A New Beginning and a New Year

Deart New Year Resoultion -

This was a new year to remember. We didn't spend it in Times Square, or in a 70's resort in the mountains - we simplyt spent it in our new house. We watched a movie and played cards with the kids but we were a family and together we celebrated the new beginning of a new year. I look forward to all the new years that we will be able to share and the experiences that we will share in each of those years.

Here are my new year resolutions for us:
1. To kiss you every morning when I wake up.
2. To let you feel how much I love you and enjoy our relationship.
3. To be a gentle husband.
4. To forgive and forget the past

Here is looking to a new beginning in the new year!