Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Baby Shopping - Part One

Dear Mommy to Be -

Yesterday we went to our neighbor's house to a sale. This sale was special because it had a lot of baby stuff and together we picked out the bedding and curtains for our babies room. I know that we are still in the process of preparing for this event, but I really enjoyed watching you look and think about what you wanted for this baby. I also know that we both have some fear about adding another child to our family, but somehow I sense that together we would make it just right and it would be like everything else - jsut perfect!

I love you so much and my love for you continues to grow. I look forward to what the future holds for us.

Your True Love

Friday, April 13, 2007

Our First Day of Spring

Dear Lady Bug,

This weekend we spent in the yard perparing our yard for summer. We bought mulch and cleaned out the flower beds. I just know that we are going to have many memories in this house and in this neighborhood. I can't wait to expereince all parts of the year in our new house. I know that in this house we will laugh and share in our wonderous times. I told this weekend "that you have made my dreams come true." I truly have dreamed about a day just like the day that we experienced. I really do love life with you.

Your Man Bug