Saturday, December 13, 2008

Our Perfect Christmas Tree

Dear Mrs. Christmas -

This weekend we picked out our family Christmas tree. I really enjoyed going to Gaver's Tree Farm and drinking hot coco and looking through the field of trees until we find the right one. You are always so sexy and I love that our family goes out and enjoys this day together. I think everyone envy's our family.

You picked out the right tree and then that night we decorated the tree with the kids. We also gave the kids their special ornament.

You really make Christmas special and I count everyday we you a sweet present!

I love you!


Saturday, November 29, 2008

My Birthday Suprise

Dear Best Wife Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We just got back from our trip to Philadelphia. This was my birthday surprise this year. You surprise me by taking me to Philadelphia to watch the Cardinals and the Eagles on Thanksgiving night. This was the best present that I was ever given. You not only got me football tickets but you got me to the stadium to watch the Cardinals on Thanksgiving day!

I will always remember...
  • Eating the turkey sandwich at the stadium.
  • How the eagles fans adored Kaiden and how Kaiden got to spend his first thanksgiving at a NFL football game
  • The car ride to Philadelphia and how we talked and played... :)
  • The hotel and how connected we were....
  • How cute you were at the game wearing my jacket and how sexy you always look

Shonda - I love you for so many reason, but I love you because you are my best friend!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Eastern Christian Convention

Dear Awesome Wife -

This past weekend we were able to attend the Eastern Christian Convention in Hershey PN. I just want to tell you how much fund I had with you and our family this weekend. I love taking the most beautiful girl at the convention to the convention. However, the thing I like the most is the way that God speaks to you. I loved you sharing you God moment with me and how the song "Loss for Words" touched you life this week and how God brought that back to you at the convention.

Other things I enjoyed this weekend:
1. Watching you worship during the main sessions.
2. Singing a Christmas song on video at Hershey Park
3. Taking Kaiden on his first real train ride at Hershey
4. Getting a late night snack at the Hershey Den
5. Seeing the Sweet Lights
6. Watching you with Kaiden on the Carasoul.

I love you and I love you even more than chocolate.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fall Outreach Event

Dear Leader -

This past weekend I got to see you in action at our fall festival. This event just reminded me of all the reasons that I love you. Some of the things that I thought about were:

1. I love your passion for reaching the lost and the way that when you become passionate about something you get other people excited.

2. I love your vision. I trust the way that you see things and I am glad that you have such a great vision for our family.

3. I love your smile - which you showed off as you greeted every person that attended our event.

4. I love your detailness - this is something I count on in so many areas of my life.

5. I love your energy - I loved that you kept going for weeks as we promoted this event. Thank you for all you do for me and for our family.

I love you so much - and I am glad of things like this that remind me of why I love you!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Catoctin Wildlife Zoo

Dear Tiger -

Yesterday we took the kids to the catoctin wildlife zoo in Thurmont. I really enjoyed our time as a family and it just reminded me of all the reasons that I love you. A few of things that I thought about yesterday was...
  • I love you because of the way that you care about your family. Seeing you care for Kale when he had a reaction just reminded me of how much you care about all of us.
  • I love you because of your laughter. I enjoyed just laughing at the different animals and just enjoying each others company.
  • I love you naviety - You pointing out the love monkeys to our kids... You are always adventure and fun to be around.
  • I love your softness - watching you feed the allpac's and be gentle with them reminded me of how you are soft and gentle with all of in your life.

I just love life with you and enjoy the times that we can spend together!

Your Wild Animal....

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Our Summer Trip to Meet the Family

Dear Road Warrior -

Last week we went to Gaithburg TN to meet my parents and have our summer vacation. We had a good time. We stayed at Eagle's Ridge Resort - In this Cabin!

I enjoyed the cabin, but mostly I enjoyed the hottub... :)

We particpated in many activites. We rode go-carts; shopped, especially for quilts, went to DollyWood and my favorite activity was...

I know you enjoyed the part when the cowboy picked you out of the entire crowd and threw you a just amazes me how you always get selected....

But seriously, I really enjoyed showing our new baby off to his grandparents. I know they have been looking forward to that for many years. Now it is our family and no one can ever take that away from us.

I know that this was no Disneyworld, but I had a lot of fun and I really enjoyed our family this week.

Love Ace

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Our Special Child

I love this little boy so much and I am so thankful that we had him together!

Friday, August 08, 2008

Your Birthday Date

Dear Lion King -

Yesterday we had our date night for your birthday. I took you to see the Lion King at the Kennedy Center.

Although the evening wasn't quite what I had planned. I really did enjoy taking you out and being reminded of the shows that we saw at Disney. I will never forget going to DisneyLand on our honeymoon and it being the 50th anniversary of Disneyland. It was just proof that we were meant to be together.

I love you now and in 50 years!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Your 29th Birthday

Dear Birthday Girl -

I just wanted to write you a little note on your birthday. I know that neither of us enjoys getting older but I want you to know how much I enjoy that you have picked me to grow old with. I remember how much we used to talk about how we would sit together when we were old and think about all the "greats" and memories that we had collected over the years. Well baby, we are making it happen. We have purchased a home, and now made a baby, and we are raising a family and taking family vacations.

Sweetheart, I just want you to know that you are more beautiful to me today than the day that I first feel in love with you. I hope for you that you will always feel my love and know how special you are to me, God and your family. I really am the luckiest person in the world to have you as a star on my lapel.

I love you!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

4th of July

Dear Wife -

This 4th of July we took the kids downtown DC to watch the fireworks on the mall. Although the day did not go as we had planned, I still think everyone had a good time and during the trip I realized all over again why I fell in love with you. I love you because of how you love your family and want things to be just perfect... :)

Here is just a sample of things we did on this 4th of July:

  • Watched the parade
    1. Created candles with beeswax in the white house visitor center
    2. Signed the declaration of independance as the Maryland delegation.
    3. Went to the Archives and saw the actual declaration of independance and looked at a picture of the people that we acted as when we signed.
    4. Relaxed at the hotel
    5. Watched fireworks over the white house
    You make everyday a celebration!

    Happy 4th of July

    Wednesday, June 25, 2008

    My Trip to Missouri

    Dear World Traveler -

    I am so sad that you are not able to be here with me on this trip back to Missouri. I so wanted us to be able to show off our little one. I am so proud of you for giving me a son. I often thoguht about this day, but in many ways never thought it would happen. Now, because of you - I will have a legacy.

    I just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you and that I will be home soon.


    Friday, June 13, 2008

    Kale's Last Day of School

    Dear Teacher -

    Today we celebrated the kids last day of school and specifically Kale's promotion from 5th grade. It is hard to believe that we have a baby and a child in middle school and high school. You are such a great mom that you should have had a bunch of more kids - but they should all have been and should all be with me...

    I know that we don't what the future holds, but I must admit that I do like living life with you. You make every day an adventure and you truly are my best friend!


    Tuesday, June 10, 2008

    One Week Old

    Dear New Mommy -
    It is hard to beleive that Kaiden is one week old today. He is growing so fast. I am still so tired over the events of the last week and I know that you are also. I also know that we are going to miss this so I am trying to enjoy each moment!
    I really enjoyed taking care of you in the hospital. Here are the things that I will remember the most about his birth and our hospital stay...
    • Seeing him cry for the first time - I was so proud of you and how you nurtured him for 9 months.
    • taking our walks around the hallway and showing off our new prize.
    • you reading his first book - the book that I bought for him about first steps.
    • Waking up in the middle of night when he started to cry and watching you be right there to take care of him
    • Crispy Cream Donuts on our way home...
    • his first visitors and everyone saying that he was so handsome and so perfect!
    • Me being able to take care of you and be there when you needed it.
    • The water in labor - I swear it was enought to fill a baby pool.

    I just love you so much and I look forward to all the birthdays that we will have with this new little man.

    New Dad

    Friday, June 06, 2008

    Coming Home

    Today we left the hospital -

    I can't say that is was the most pleasant place that we have ever stayed, but we are leaving with quite a gift. I arranged for a stork to be placed in the yard annoucing the arrival of Kaiden. I also wanted you to know how much I am glad that we have this new addition so when I went to the store to get your pain medication I got you a dozen yellow roses.

    Shonda, I love you so much and I love the life that we are creating together. I know that the next 18 years will fly by with you by my side.

    Ace -

    Thursday, June 05, 2008

    Wednesday, June 04, 2008

    Day One...

    Amazing -

    We have just completed the first day of Kaiden Edward Gosnell's life and I couldn't be more thrilled and happy. A lot has happened over these first 24 hours. He has taken his first breath, gotten his first bath, received his first shots, and has been held by the most beautiful woman in the world.

    I know that the last nine months have been difficult, but I want you to know that you have handled them with grace and beauty. I also, know that the labor did not go as you expected it to, but I am so proud of you! You grew a very healthy 9 pound 7 ounce little boy and delivered him safely into the world. I just couldn't be prouder of you and now I want you to get healthy and rest so that we can leave the hospital and start this new phase of our life together.

    I think he is the most wonderful baby ever and everyone that sees him talks about how handsome he is and how wonderful he looks - they have even said that we have made a perfect baby. I don't know how perfect he is, but I do know that he is perfect for us and that you have just been perfect through this whole thing.

    I must admit that the last couple of days have been very stressful, but I am just soaking in each moment because I know how special and how long I waited for a moment like this. I love you with all my heart and I know that we were meant to share this moment together.

    I am so proud of you and I know that Kaiden is lucky to have mom like you. I know that I am sure lucky that you are my wife.


    Tuesday, June 03, 2008

    He is Here!

    This is the e-mail that I just sent out to our friends and family...
    All - After a long day of labor my wife did delivered Kaiden Edward late this afternoon. He weighed 9 pounds 8 ounces and measured over 22 inches long. After stuggling in labor most of the day the baby's heart rate drop significantly and we all decided at the doctors encouragement to have an emergency C section. My wife will be in the hospital till Friday The baby is doing very well and his heart rate is steady and strong. We have just recently been admitted to a room and the baby and his mother is resting after a very long and difficult day. I want to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers and warm wishes today. I will send out a picture soon.

    Monday, June 02, 2008

    One More Day!!!!

    Dear New Mommy to be...

    We just finished at the doctor's office and we all decided that you should be induced tomorrow. They told us today that the baby weighs over 9 pounds. I can't believe that as we watched the ultrasound that tomorrow I could be holding the little guy in my arms.

    I must admit that I am a little sad to see your pregancy come to an end. Here would be my 8 greats from the last nine months...

    1. The first ultrasound and pictures of little Kaiden. I cried a little when I saw his picture and knew that he appeared to be healthy.
    2. Our trip to South Carolina - I enjoyed spending time with my beautiful pregenant wife. I especially liked our special moments with increased passion... :)
    3. Cutting up veggies to handle your cravings. I really enjoyed trying to take care of you as you were taking care of our baby.
    4. The trip to the hospital. I really enjoyed the last moments of your pregenancy. I enjoyed talking to you about our pregency and about our little boy.
    5. The day you told me that you were pregenant. The way that you told me was very sweet and I loved the baloons and the lovely outfit.
    6. Getting the baby's room ready! I really enjoyed all the time that we spend putting up the crib and decorating the babies room. I know that Kaiden will love it and he will always know that we have a special place just for him.
    7. Doctor's Trips. I really loved hearing the heartbeat for the first time. I was so excited and I just couldn't wait to see this little one.
    8. Deciding on a name. I love going to the bookstore and looking through books together. I also liked playing with all the names - even girl ones like Kiearra Channel....

    I love you so much and I can't wait for us to have this baby.


    Thursday, May 29, 2008

    What is in a Name...

    Dear Sweet Rose,

    Today we were looking at the site and searched on the name of our new son to be...Kaiden. Here is what they said about his name:

    Caden...Kaiden is a variation of Caden
    ORIGIN: English
    MEANING: Spirited

    One of the contemporary names with an "en" ending. Debuted on the popularity chart in 1992, quickly climbing among the top 100.


    Kadin Kadyn Kayden Cayden Kaiden Caiden Kaden Kaeden Cadan Caeden


    ORIGIN: Old English
    MEANING: Wealth protector

    Greatly influenced during the 11th century by Edward the Confessor, who became king of England before the Norman Conquest. He's considered a saint by the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. Remained a popular royal name in England. A literary name used by William Shakespeare in several plays.

    ALTERNATIVES : Eduard Edouard

    NICKNAMES: Eddie Ed Ted Ned

    FAMOUS Edwards
    Edward Villella (ballet dancer) Edward R. Murrow (newscaster) Edward Kennedy (senator) Edward Woodward (actor) Edward Burns (actor/writer) Edward G. Robinson (actor) Edward Norton (actor)

    I think this is a very fitting name: spirited or beloved companion in some books, wealthy protector.

    I love you and I love the name that we have from being together: soulmate.


    Wednesday, May 28, 2008

    Our Memorial Day Weekend

    Dear Weekender -

    I just wanted to write you a short note telling you how much I enjoyed our weekend together. It is truly a dream come true to host a bunch of our friends (and their kids) at our beautiful big home over a long weekend.

    I really enjoyed watching you talk with the other moms. I also enjoyed fixing the hotdogs and hamburgers for everyone. We really do a have beautiful home and I love the fact that we share it with our friends and family.

    I love you and I look forward to all of our special weekends!

    Your Weekend Lover!

    Thursday, May 22, 2008

    Counting the Days

    Dear Mom To Be -

    I just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you today and that I am counting the days till when little Kaiden comes. I know that he is getting ready and is going to come any day.

    This is a picture from the second shower for our baby - the one at your work. You are so beautiful and you look so happy. I want you to know that you have made me the happiest man in the world. You are the love of my life and you are going to be the best mom this little boy could ever have hoped for.

    I love you with all my heart now and forever.


    Saturday, April 26, 2008

    Our Baby Shower in Our Neighborhood

    Dear Mommy to Be -

    This weekend our friends gave you a shower for our new baby. It just goes to show how much you are loved....

    Tuesday, April 15, 2008

    The Greatest Show on Earth

    Dear Ring Master -

    This past weekend we took the kids to the circus. I believe that you had the most fun. I enjoyed watching the show and what a show it was:

    • There were scary.

    • There were funny

    • There were cute

    • There were zebra's and beatuiful

    • There were chinese amazing

    • There were people shot out of a dangerous

    And then there was you and our family...How Wonderful!

    I love you and I love the memories that we make together.

    Your Clown

    Saturday, April 05, 2008

    24 Hour Prayer Retreat - My Prayer For You!

    Dear Amazing -

    I hope this e-mail finds you well. I wanted to let you know how much you mean to me and to tell you that you are my soulmate. This year during the 24 hour prayer retreat I have prayed for you and will continue to pray for you. I wanted you to know what I prayed about:

    I prayed for Strength for you - I know that during these last days of your pregency that you find everything difficult. I prayed that you would allow God's strength to be your strnegth at this time. I prayed that you would find your stength in our relationship with God and that you would continue to allow God's wisdom to be your wisdom. I want you to know that you never walk alone and that I am here for you and I will always be here for you.

    I prayed for Forgiveness - I know that I sometimes that I am not the best husband and that I have hurt you in your heart. I aksed that God forgive me of when I hurt you and help me to be the kind of man ahtat you could fall in love with. I know that you deserve the best and I want you to experience my deep love for you. Please forgive me of when I have hurt you and know that I love you will all my heart!

    I prayed a prayer of praise for you. I am so thankful that you are part of my life. I love sharing life with you. My life is so full and so complete with you in it. I love to hear you sing and I am so thankful for all the little things that you do.

    I prayed for wisdom. I asked God to reveal to me how I could better serve you as your husband. I am thankful for our friendship and I want to serve you in anyway that brings us closer to the love of God.

    Thanks for all you do and for who you are.


    Friday, March 28, 2008

    Baby Registry and More

    Dear Baby Shopper -

    This weekend we finished our tour of baby registries across the world. We now have registered our baby at Target; Babies R Us; and Buy Buy Baby. It is a bit overwhelming - all the things that we need for this new person in our life. However, I have a feeling that he will be alot like me in the fact that all he really needs is your love!

    I love you so much, and I love the family and the life that we are creating. You are truly my one and only soulmate and I know that we will spend the rest of lives together. I truly love you now and forever -


    Sunday, March 16, 2008

    Our Annual Easter Pinic

    Dear Spring -

    Yesterday we celebrated Easter and our annual Easter pinic with the kids. This is a tradition that we have done for almost 6 years now. I still remember our first Easter pinic downtown next to the Potomic looking at the Washington Monument. Then we took the kids on a paddleboat ride. We finished the day like we always do - searching for eggs.

    This year was still a little cold so we had the pinic on the floor in our house. Then we went out and hide the eggs from the kids. I think we all had a good time. I know that you were not able to be as activity as you have been in the past but I want you to know that I love our family and I love our family traditions.

    You bring so much joy and spring into my life.


    Thursday, March 06, 2008

    Our Day in Charlestown

    Dear Southern Bell -

    Yesterday we took a day trip to Charlestown SC. I enjoyed the car ride but I enjoyed the carriage ride that we took through the city. As we were pulled along in our carriage it reminded me so much of our first carriage ride in NYC.

    We then walked to the bay front and found a place called MAgnolia's for Dinner. This was truly a southern meal - I was able to get my fried chicken. Someone said that this is the best fried chicken ever - but I know that the best fried chicken I have ever had was the one that you prepared for my birthday when we were first together. We even found out that this restruant is in the book 1,000 places to see before you die....

    I love the places that we see together.

    Your Leading Man

    Wednesday, March 05, 2008

    Our Anniversary Day and Dinner

    Dear Bride -

    Yesterday we celebrated our anniversay day and dinner. You started off the day by giving me a surprise gift and spa retreat. I was going to get a Hot Stone Massage and you were going to be able to get a pregenceny massage from a place called "Her Boby and Soul."

    The massage was terrific but what was even better was the fact that we were able to get the massages in the same room - it reminded me so much of fiji....

    Then we came back and I dressed up in my wedding day suit and we went to dinner at Greg Norman's Autrailian Grill on the bayfront. I think people were looking at me a little strange because I was so dressed up but I didn't care because I was off in your world - you are all that I care about.

    At dinner I gave you my gift or reading the vows that I made to you on our wedding day. I also gave you a necklace with two diamonds in a teardrop to symbolize the two years that we have been married.

    I love you so much and I am so glad that we got married.

    Monday, March 03, 2008

    Our 2nd Anniversary Trip - Mrytle Beach SC

    Dear Honeymooner -

    I am writing this post from our hotel room at the Sherton Broadway Plantation resort. We have decided to spend out second anniversary in Myrtle Beach SC - one of the 1,000 places that we said that we would go in our lifetime.

    The resort is very nice and today we have had the priverage of laying around the pool and playing ping pong and shuffleboard.

    Since being here, we have looked at some houses, have gone to the beach. This is one of the things that I love about us. We are always having fun no matter if we are laying around the pool or going out on a night on the town.

    It is hard to believe that it was 2 years ago this week that we got married. I love you so much and I can't wait to see what the next 49 years brings to us.

    Happy Anniversary My Love - I love you madly.

    Thursday, February 14, 2008

    Happy Valentine's Day

    Dear Valentine -

    I just wanted to tell you how much I love you and especially how much I love you today!

    Please see below just some of the reasons why I love you!!!

    • I love you because you are beautiful.

    • I love you because you are a great friend

    • I love you because you are fun to be with.

    • I love you because together we create wonderful memories (like 8 greats)

    • I love you because you are smart.

    • I love you because you a wonderful wife.

    • I love you because I can count on you.

    • I love you because you are good with money

    • I love you because we can get "lost" together.

    • I love you because you are having my baby.

    • I love you because you love God

    • I love you because you bring out the best in me...

    • And I love you becuase you are AMAZING!

    Happy Valentine's Day


    Tuesday, January 29, 2008

    It's a Boy!

    Dear Mom to Be...

    Yesterday we went to the doctor and found out that we are having a baby boy! I am so happy and I am so happy that we are doing this together. I just can't wait for this baby to get here. I love you so much and I am so looking forward to raising this baby together.
    Dad To Be

    Friday, January 11, 2008

    Our Eight Greats as of the Start of 2008

    Here is a list of my Eight Great List (January 2008)
    1. Our Wedding Day in Fiji - standing overlooking the ocean and climbing the mountain (2006)

    2. Our First Kiss (2001)

    3. New Years in Time Square (2002/2003)

    4. The night you told me that you were having my Baby (2007)

    5. Daytona Beach - Race Tracks and the Beach on our First Family Vacation (2007)

    6. Dancing in Wal-Mart looking at cards (2001)

    7. Seeing the Grand Canyon together at Sunset (2007) 1st Anniversary

    8. Ft. Lauderdale and the Bahamas and the proposal (2005)

    Wednesday, January 02, 2008

    A Favorite Picture of You

    I was cleaning out my phone and I found this picture...I really love this picture!
    I really love you and how beaituful you are.

    Tuesday, January 01, 2008

    A New Year and a New Start

    Dear Fresh Beginnings -

    Here are some of my goals for us in 2008

    • To be gentle with you and the kids with my words
    • To kiss you goodnight every night.
    • To wake up next to you every morning
    • To pray for you and the kids everyday
    • To accept you as you are and expect nothing in return
    • To treat you like a princess
    • To tell you I love you everyday
    • To really kiss you at least once every day
    • To be the man that you admire and respect.

    I love you and I look forward to a great 2008.