This was our journal entry from the day before our wedding...
After a very restful night due to cooler temp's and soothing rain, I woke up around 7:30 and began by relaxing in the room cushy chair and working on my vows. Kenneth got up and got ready and then went to the Kave Bowl to check e-mail - sending a hello to everyone.
Once ready, we went down and had breakfast with Omar and Caroline and then headed into town to fill out our legal documents so that we can be married in Fiji.
The town reminded me of a small town USA. I was surprised by the amount
of people and how dirty it was. However, the people are friendly and I felt right at home. We went to the market and bought a couple of necklaces and a mat (to be given as a gift). At one of the stores Caroline and Shonda bought Mary a pair of earrings that she liked. She was very thankful and seemed greatly appreciative of their gift.

After the trip to town it was back to Namale to finish planning the wedding.
Mary talked us through the various options and details and even let us pick our wedding day lunch and dinner menu. Kenneth was thrilled to be able to order a cheeseburger and friend chicken.
After all the arrangements were made, we back to our room (Loloma) to get ready for our scuba trip. Kenneth decided to go kayaking while I went diving with Caroline and Samantha and Dean. We even got to pass him on the trampoline on our way out - how cute!
My kayak trip was fun but tough because I was constantly going against the current. First, I went out to the trampoline and jumped around a bit and then made my way to the beach in front of our Bure. I got to see many fish and even an eel. I want to go out again - but this time I will go when I am not against the tide. Maybe Shonda will go with me. I was glad to do this and glad that Shonda was out diving, but I missed her terribly!

Diving was an incredible experience! I actually wasn't afraid of losing my mask at all - I was more concerned with not losing the camera, touching coral I shouldn't, and accidentlly holding my breath. I just kept telling myself to relax and focus on the fish, and I'd be fine. I saw so many beautiful fish! I even saw two clown fish swimming around in an anemone. They were so cool! We found out afterwards that we had gone at a really choppy time. they saud we were very brave - and that we went down 35 feet for 30 minutes. I am really glad I went.
Before dinner we decided to get one last look at possible places to have the ceremony. We looked at the Blowhole Deck, the Conference Center Deck, and the Beach. Although all of them are beautiful we decided to have our ceremony at the conference center deck. We just kep thinking about how we would love to have our ceremony at any of these places back home. They are all so beautiful and we can't wait for tomorrow :)
I second that!
We finished the evening in the Kava Bowl after dinner doing a little bowling, a little air hockey and are now back at out bure and Kenneth is getting ready to give me my second gift (pre-wedding). Last night he gave me the "key to my heart" willow creek figure and said he was giving me his heart. It was incredibly sweet!
We are both so relaxed, so excited about our wedding and so glad we chose a destination wedding at Namale!
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