Here was our jounal entry on March 5th - 2 days before our wedding:
Today was a spiritual awakening. We began our morning with a trip into the Nandi village to attend the Methodist church service. The people were incredibly welcoming and warm. The choir was unlike anything we had ever heard. The whole church only held about 125 people, but you would have thought 500 were singing because of the volume and harmony. It was an unbelievable expereince. I even recognized "Bringing in the Sheaves" and was able to sing along in English as they sung in Fijian.
The village chief welcomed the Namale guests, and the service continued in Fijian. We were fortunate to be there on a special day (the first Sunday in March) which was there service designed for giving - The Feast of the Tabernacle. It was truly amazing to see these people, who have so little, give with big smiles on their faces.
After church, we were invited by the minister to his home. We sat on a mat, handwoven by the ladies of the village, in an open almost empty room in the front od his home and particpated in a Kava ceremony.
We were amazed at how little he and all of the people of the villiage had and yet even more amazed at the hospitality, and his wife invited us all to stay for lunch. This was especially special as we had all just talked about how the Fijian minister's family lives by faith receiveing to live on only that given by the village to the church.
As we left the village we were shown a tent up on a hill and when we asked about it, were told that it was a place where the people of the village went to pray - what a testimony to worship!
After Church the group headed back to the Kava Bowl to talk and relax. Then to lunch and then to the Dive Shop. This afternoon was our first expereince with Diving. After watching a short video we grabbed some gear and headed to the pool. I will never forget how silly we looked with our fins and how I started coughing when I got water in my snokel. We both passed the quiz given by the instuctor which was a series of underwater tasks at the bottom of the pool. This was a fun first experience for us both. I have no doubts that diving is in our future and Shonda is going to dive tomorrow with her new friend friend Caroline.
After changing for dinner we made our way down to the Blowhole Deck. the Sun had just sat and the sky was dark but beautiful. The Deck has an amazing panoramic view of the ocean. It also has a special treat of a Blowhole which shoot water up into the air about 15 to 20 feet. This has become a top option for where our wedding could be held.
After a short time hanging out with the other guests we had our dinner. After dinner we went to the Hot Tub and Pool with Omar and Caroline. The Hot Tub overlooks the ocean. We talked for a couple of hours and they invited us to their home in LA. sometime in the future.

We are now back in our bure, reminising about the awe and wonder of our first full day in Fiji and how pleased we are with our choice for our special day. In fact we've already said it will be hard to leave.