Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween Memories

Dear Wonder Woman -

I just wanted to write a little note telling you how much I enjoyed our Halloween this year. This was Kaiden's real first Halloween and it was a blast. I enjoyed everyone making over his Micky Mouse custom that we both picked out seperately and then decided together that he should be. He was the cutest Mickey Mouse Ever! I also enjoyed watching him get the candy and know that it was HIS basket and HIS candy. He is quite the little person that we created. You know the funny thing is - me seeing him with you and how you care for him and love him makes me fall in love with you all over again. I am so glad that we have had him and that we have done this together. I love you my sweet little eye candy!

Your Handsome Prince!

1 comment:

Amazing said...

I love how you are so sweet to me, even when talking about our little doodle.. you're such a wonderful husband!! How did I get so lucky?

Yes, I too enjoyed watching him this year. He's so full of personalitiy.. but how could he not be with us as parents? I just enjoy every moment watching him grow and do new things and make new discoveries. Thank you for sharing this experience with me!