I did this last year as well. Here are the eight great heading into our 3rd Anniversary....
1. Our First Kiss (2001) - I so love kissing you and I will never forget our first kiss and how I knew that I wanted to kiss those same lips for the rest of my life.
2. Our Weekend in Va Beach (2007) - See Picture...You looked so hot and I will never forget how much fun it was trying to make a baby on the balcony....
3. Our Wedding Day in Fiji (2006) - This was just the perfect day. There is not a thing that I would change about the day except to make it longer.
4. My Birthday Treat on Thanksgiving - (2008) This was by far the best present I have ever received and I loved watching a football game with you on Thanksgiving Day. I enjoyed our deep connection and how you treated me like a king all weekend.
5. Dancing with You (2006, 2001) - I really enjoy both memories of dancing with you. I remember dancing with you in Wal-Mart and I also remember dancing with you in Vernuti's in Frederick. Both of these are very special and things I will always remember.
6. New Years in Times Square (2005) - This was a great weekend and I loved that you helped me to accomplish something that I had always dreamed about. I enjoyed looking at all the sites in New York and I will always remember this trip.
7. Our Day in Kuranda on our Honeymoon (2006) - This was another perfect day. Even though it did not start off like we had planned, I enjoyed our breakfast on the peir and then the train up the moutain and our day with the kangaroos and koala's. And who could forget the waterfall. :)
8. The Day at the Grand Canyon - (2007) - This was another wonderful expereince. I enjoyed seeing this great wonder of the world with my greatest wonder of my life.
I love you and I love the "great" memories we are going to create this year!
1 comment:
Before you, I never 'categorized' my life, not to mention my best moments.. but then again, maybe it's because before you I didn't even have eight to categorize!!
I love that our list continually changes as we add new memories and special connection moments.
It's truly a challenge to pick only eight, but I would have to say that my eight greats today are:
1. Our first kiss - I will never forget that day and the butterflies I had when we kissed for the first time. I had anticipated it for such a long time and wanted it so badly! I remember so clearly that I didn't want our lips to part. I wanted to stay in that moment forever!
2. Our INCREDIBLE wedding day - What can I say to describe the best day imaginable. A day that no one could replicate. A day when the world ceased to exist. A day that I can go back to in my mind to escape the world. The day that I became united with the part of me that until that moment was lacking and void. The day that I became complete!
3. The day that we found out we were having a baby/The day Kaiden was born - I can't even pick between these, but the birth of our child did something that I didn't think was possible.. it made us even closer than we already were. I am SO glad that we have shared in this experience together and I am SO glad that God allowed us to have this little boy. He has brought SO much joy into my life!
4. Our trip to Kuranda - It was just filled with so many wonderful memories! I loved holding Hogan, I loved feeding the kangaroos and watching you with them. I loved kissing you over the rainforest and watching the wild Cockatoo's fly over the trees. I loved seeing your surprise when the train passed the beautiful waterfall. What a beautiful day!
5. The day we found our house/moved into our house - I remember finding our house online and sending you the pictures thinking this is the one! I remember sitting on the back porch waiting for the realtor to get there with the key and the anxiousness I felt in my stomach thinking we might be on our soon to be back deck. I remember seeing our sitting room in our bedroom for the first time and remembering that I was so excited that I had forgotten it HAD a sitting room and falling in LOVE with the thought of that being our bedroom! I especially remember sitting on the step into the family room the night after we moved in talking to you about the reality of this being our new home. And I remember waking up the first morning sitting in the living room looking out the window and just being in utter disbelief that our dream had finally become a reality.
6. Our night together where we danced in Walmart and then sat together in your car - I remember reading every card thinking "that's exactly how I feel about him". And I especially remember wanting you so badly that I could barely control myself. I was so in love with you in that moment that I would have done anything in the world for you.
7. Massunutten - Wow. Another great connection weekend. What can I say, except I just knew with complete conviction, that you were the great love of my life. I remember riding up to the top of the mountain (I was so proud of you) and looking out over the world below. It was incredible, but not even close to as incredible as you and as our love.
8. Your proposals.. both of them - How lucky am I to have a man that plans entire trips for me!! Fort Lauderdale is a trip I will never forget! I loved the resort. I loved the spa treatment and how special I felt. I loved seeing the beautiful beaches of the Bahamas. I loved the anticipation I felt thinking at any time you might propose. I loved talking on the back of the ship and kissing your lips. I loved going out onto the beach at night and finding the heart engraved rock that I felt like God put there just for us. And I ADORED having the plane fly over us that you had prepared for me while we were on the beach the next day.. You make me feel so special!!!
Then New York too!! Wow.. sitting on the bridge in Central Park, I felt like a princess. Walking into our 4 star hotel, I felt so glamourous! When you went into the flower shop and bought me a single rose and had the lady wrap it so gently, I felt so special. And then walking through time square shopping and talking.. and you stopped in the middle of time square to propose.. I felt like the fair maiden in a love story with all eyes on me!!
What did I ever do to deserve such a man. Out of all of the ladies of the world, how did I become the lucky one?? I will probably never know, but I will always be grateful!
I have truly found my handsome prince!!
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