Monday, December 28, 2009
Our Special Little Christmas
I really enjoyed our Christmas this year. I enjoyed watching Kaiden open his presents and I also enjoyed our special christmas a few days later. I will also remember our trip to ICE.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Saturday, November 07, 2009
My Parents 50th Wedding Anniversary

Dear Party Planner -
I can't even begin to tell you how much I love you and appreciate all you did to plan my parents 50th wedding anniversary. They were so surprised and you really cemented a special place in my heart. I appreciate all your work, like:
1. Creating the Invitations
2. Finding addresses for people and preparing the invitations to be mailed.
3. Finding the decorations for the party
4. Working to get the cake - even at the last minute
5. Decorating the church
6. Getting the DJ
7. Buying special stuff for the party and then having it sent to Kevin's.
8. Shopping with Teresa for the food
9. Writing the order of the program
10. Just being your beautiful self and being the star on my lapel.
Sweetheart - you are the best wife I could ever ask for. I love you with all my heart and now my family does too.
Your Adoring Husband
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Halloween Memories
I just wanted to write a little note telling you how much I enjoyed our Halloween this year. This was Kaiden's real first Halloween and it was a blast. I enjoyed everyone making over his Micky Mouse custom that we both picked out seperately and then decided together that he should be. He was the cutest Mickey Mouse Ever! I also enjoyed watching him get the candy and know that it was HIS basket and HIS candy. He is quite the little person that we created. You know the funny thing is - me seeing him with you and how you care for him and love him makes me fall in love with you all over again. I am so glad that we have had him and that we have done this together. I love you my sweet little eye candy!
Your Handsome Prince!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Me Telling the World You Are a Great Mom
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Sunday, September 27, 2009
September 24th - Kale's B-Day at the Nat's Game
We just attended the Nationals Game for Kale's B-day. I just wanted to write to tell you how great of a mom I think you are. I am glad that I have you to raise our family with. The way that you got him a special gift at the game - I know that it made him feel very special. I loved taking you to the game and showing you off - you are so hot and so beautiful and I love that you are my wife and the mother of my children!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Our Fall Disney Trip

I just wanted to write a short note talking about our recent disney trip. I really enjoyed our fall trip and I enjoyed that we create such great memories together. This was one of my favorite Disney trips. I especially likd kaiden's interaction with the characters - especially Jasmin. This trip was so unexpected and yet it was filled with so many memories...
- Walking around the "Great Show-Case" during the daytime. I really enjoyed the different countries and it made me think about all the trips that we are going to take during our lifetime.
- Riding the Winnie the Pooh ride with Kaiden.
- Riding its a small world - I so remember that ride in LA. I so enjoy watching you when you ride these rides.
- Staying at the Pop Century Resort and going to the pool late at night.
- Eating breakfast with Micky and the other characters.
- Celebrating Kale's Birthday at each of the Restruants.
- Seeing the Parade at night!
I love you so much and I look forward to our next Disney Trip.
Monday, August 31, 2009
My Beautiful Wife

You are the hottest thing that I have ever seen! Looking at this picture of you just makes me want to come out of skin. I have never been as turned on as I was when you first wore this dress. You are just an amazingly beautiful woman and I am so lucky to have you in my life.
Let me list the reasons why I have found you beautiful:
- Your long blonde hair - I love your hair and how it feels when brushes against my skin.
- Your long sexy legs - that dress made your legs look long and sexy.
- Your flat stomach. I love your mid section and how hot it looked in that dress. I especially love your belly ring - the little palm tree.
- Your beautiful nails - You are such a woman - you are my little princess. You are just all woman, all the time!
I want to explore your body - I want to explore all of you. I love you and I think you are damn hot!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Family Vacation - Part Two: Palm Beach

Our Family Facation - Part 1: The Keys!

Friday, July 31, 2009
My Surprise Little Note -

I received a surpise little note from you yesterday. I was so surprised by it and it meant so much to me. You are such a wonderful wife and I wanted to write my response to you here on your blog...
Your Letter To Me...
I wanted to take a moment to tell you how wonderful a dad you are. You took off early to be there for Kale, and then not only took him but stayed to watch him. Further, you were engaged in his practice so that you could provide encouragement to him and help him to improve. This is just one example of how involved you are and how you place importance on our children's interests and encourage their growth. It just reminds me of one of the many reasons I love you. Thank you for continuing to prove your love for me through loving our children and being a great dad!
My Letter Back to You -
Dear DHW -
Thank you for your letter of encouragement about being a good dad. I just simply love you and I love our family together. I must admit that it is quite a change and sometimes it seems overwhleming , but I just enjoy looking at what we have created and I do beleive that we will look back on these years and "we will miss them." You being my wife is what brings me great joy and happiness. One example of that is when we took our family to niagara falls. I love watching you with our kids getting wet pictures as the falls sprayed us...You are such a good mom and an even better life. I have told you many times that I did not feel like life began until I met you and that is the truth. You are my world and you help me to be a better person. I love you with all my heart and can't wait for all the memories that we will create together.
Love -
Friday, July 24, 2009
I Just Love You...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Our Trip to Niagara Falls -

Here is the note that I wrote to you on our hotel stationary...
Dear Amazing -
Good morning baby. I wanted to write you a short note to tell you how much I love you and love our family. We have the dream of our perfect little family. I have always dreamed about being able to fly to another country and laugh while we create memories together.
You are a wonderful wife and I am so lucky to have you to share life with. We have so many great memories and I look forward to all the memories we will create together. I love dreaming with you about all the things we are going to do and all the places we are going to see and because it is us - I know that our dreams will become reality.
I could not ask for a better person to share my life with. You are such a great friend. I love our conversations - the way we can talk about anything. And I love the way that we laugh together. We find the humor in life and find secret things that connect just you and I even when the world is crowding in around us.
Thank you for choosing me to share your life me. I am so happy that through it all we found each other and kept finding each other again and again until this moment. Just know that no matter what - I would always find you because we are suppose to share our life together.
I never really thought I would find someone like you to share my life with and to have a family with - then I found you. You are so much better than what I dreamed about. You know how to please me and how to complete me. My life never really existed before you - you have brought me life! I just can't beleieve that no one really saw how amazing you were. I saw it right away and I still think you are just simply amazing!
- You look Amazing
- Your Friendship is Amazing
- Your Amazingly Smart
- Your are an Amazing Partner
- You are an Amazing Mom
- You are an Amazing Christian women
- and you are an Amazing Wife!
You are just amazing - and I know it.
Sweetheart, I have joked about how beautiful you are compared to the falls this weekend. I really do believe it. You are the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. I love you with all my heart and I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together.
Happy Just an Everyday -
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Happy Birthday To You

Next we ate lunch at Al Tectza - a mexican restruant that I found. I thought it was nice but I mostly enjoyed being able to look over at my beautiful wife and having you take away my breath because of how awesome you look. I also enjoyed our great conversation and it just reminded me of one of the many reasons that I love you - because our relationship is just one long conversation that never ends.
Happy Birthday Baby - I love you with all my heart!
Saturday, July 04, 2009
4th of July Block Party

I just wanted to drop you a short note to let you know how much I enjoyed celebrating the 4th of July fireworks at our block party. I really enjoy the fireworks that we create together but I especially loved...
- How you invited our friends to be a part of the party. You are so good for us by the way that you help expand our influence by the development of true friendships.
- How you are such a good homemaker as you made the hit of the party with your meatballs. I have always loved that you were an excellent cook and I love events like these when I can show you off as the "perfect wife".
- How you were the most beatuiful woman at the party. I love walking in with the best looking girl in the whole place. You really are beautiful and I am so lucky to have you.
- How together we make such special memories. I know that we will cherish these events for all of our life.
Baby - Happy 4th of July. Thank you for helping me create a life of fireworks!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
A Special Little Day!

I remember...
- Going Go-Carting in Va Beach. You were such a speed demon and you wanted to show off. I remember how in love I was with you then - I just couldn't take my eyes off of you.
- Going G0-Carting in Daytona Beach. We laughed so hard as a family as your wrecked that guy because you were not going to let anyone get around you!
- Going G0-Carting in Gaitinburg. You almost could not let Kale win - you wanted to win so bad, but I enjoyed watching your hair blow in the wind.
You are truly a lot of fun to be with. I enjoy your racing spirit and I love most how you make my heart race when you are around. I love you!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Kaiden's 1st Birthday

Dad let me use his blog to write you this letter on my first birthday. I hope you don't mind. I just wanted to say thank you for all you have done for me during this first year of life. I know that I havn't said these things yet because I am still learning how to talk but I wanted you to know...
I have so enjoyed how you have watched me every night since my birth. I know that I haven't let you get much sleep but it is because I hate being away from you and when I wake up and you are not there I get very sad. I hope you notice the smile that comes to my face when you walk into the room. You just brighten my life so much.
You have given so much to me and I have really appreciated it. I love the time that you give me each day to play and how you spend time during dinner to feed me. I enjoy the moments that we have and I feel so close to you.Thank you for all that you have taught me this year. You have helped to teach me how to crawl, walk, eat real food, and laugh. You are the best mommy any little boy could hope to have and I look forward to telling you that each day of my life.
Mommy, I really love you and I so lucky that God choose you to give me to. Thank you for all you have done for me this first year. I would have never made it without you.
Love your one year old son.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Our Surpirse Trip to Missouri
I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated you over the past few days. You know that that this past week we have expereinced the lost of my brother Mark. I can't tell you how much it meant to me that you were by my side during the funeral and the trip to Missouri. You are truly my best friend and I can't imagine my life without you.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Another Song....
Thursday, March 19, 2009
You Are Still the One...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Our 3rd Anniversary!!!
I know that our anniversary trip this year did not go as expected, but I want you to know that I still think that you are my bride and I still feel like we are on our honeymoon. This year was different, but it was still very memorable. The things that I will remember about this trip are:
Our Date Night at the Trump's Taj Mah Hall. You looked tremendous and I loved the connection we had through our conversation. The date ended in the most wonderful way and left me with images that I will remember for 50 years!

Our day in Ocean City New Jersey. I really enjoyed walking along the pier and talking and sharing. I had so much fun with you and the kids as we feed the birds and found a few little shops to search in and eat at.
Our Trip along the NJ coast to get to the 1,000 places to see before you die "Cape May." We can check another place off the list. I enjoyed sitting with you in front of the bed and breakfast and I want you to know that I want to see all the places with you and only you!
Kaiden's first pool experience. He had so much fun and so did we.
Our day trip to Baltimore and seeing the Austrialia exhibit. It reminded me of our honeymoon in Austrialia and made me fall in love with you all over again.
Sharing our special presents. I really enjoyed the stuffed monkey "banannas" and I enjoyed the necklace with a leather strap and of course the writing on the necklace - it was special and I will wear it with great love.
Our shopping day in Atlantic City. I enjoyed watching you pick our your newest purse :)
Our time in the car - I love that we talk and I love how even long trips can seem short because it is still not enough time to talk to you.
I love you sweetheart and I look forward to sharing the rest of my life with you. I enjoy each of our anniversaries but I think we will always have a special place in our heart for this one since we got to spend it with the kids.
Happy Anniversary!
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Our Eight Greats - Start of 2009

I did this last year as well. Here are the eight great heading into our 3rd Anniversary....
1. Our First Kiss (2001) - I so love kissing you and I will never forget our first kiss and how I knew that I wanted to kiss those same lips for the rest of my life.
2. Our Weekend in Va Beach (2007) - See Picture...You looked so hot and I will never forget how much fun it was trying to make a baby on the balcony....
3. Our Wedding Day in Fiji (2006) - This was just the perfect day. There is not a thing that I would change about the day except to make it longer.
4. My Birthday Treat on Thanksgiving - (2008) This was by far the best present I have ever received and I loved watching a football game with you on Thanksgiving Day. I enjoyed our deep connection and how you treated me like a king all weekend.
5. Dancing with You (2006, 2001) - I really enjoy both memories of dancing with you. I remember dancing with you in Wal-Mart and I also remember dancing with you in Vernuti's in Frederick. Both of these are very special and things I will always remember.
6. New Years in Times Square (2005) - This was a great weekend and I loved that you helped me to accomplish something that I had always dreamed about. I enjoyed looking at all the sites in New York and I will always remember this trip.
7. Our Day in Kuranda on our Honeymoon (2006) - This was another perfect day. Even though it did not start off like we had planned, I enjoyed our breakfast on the peir and then the train up the moutain and our day with the kangaroos and koala's. And who could forget the waterfall. :)
8. The Day at the Grand Canyon - (2007) - This was another wonderful expereince. I enjoyed seeing this great wonder of the world with my greatest wonder of my life.
I love you and I love the "great" memories we are going to create this year!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Just Because Day
Usually on this blog I have highlighted moments that we have shared or special activities that we have done together. Today I am writing to you for no special reason - I am writing just because...
- Just because I can't stop thinking about you
- Just because you are the best wife ever
- Just because you are so beautiful
- Just because I love the times that we laugh together
- Just because we have so many "greats"
- Just because I love our long conversations
- Just because I think you are the most special person in all the world
- Just because we faced the world alone and we won!
- Just because you are a great lover
- Just because you are a wonderful homemaker
- Just because you are the mother of my kids
- Just because you are my best friend
- Just because I love sharing life with you...
- And Just because I can't stop thinking about you!

Shonda, I love you just because....
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine's Day Lunch
Dear Valentine -
I just love our lunch date and 3 course lunch at Hillbrook Inn. The Inn certainly fulfilled its description:
- "The ducks on the pond of this 17 acre European-style country house hotel will welcome you; Chef Hale will cook you a marvelous 7-course meal; the fascinating art and book collections will entice you to explore the Inn's public spaces; and the great bed, comfortable chairs, log fire and whirlpool will tempt you to sneak off to your very own room."
This place was quite the hidden gem. I love sneeking away with you and finding special places for us to touch and make a memory. This was our best valentine's day and I will always remember...
- The hearts that were apart of each course of our 3 course lunch
- The trip there and how we kept getting lost, but even getting lost with you can be fun!
- The large chess set that was on the grounds and how we got to play a quick game even though it was cold
- the beautiful grounds with the ponds and the ducks - but even in its most beautiful state, the grounds pailed in comparison to how beatuiful you were.
Valentine - I love that you are the one that has my heart. Happy Valentine's Day Baby -
Your Sweet Kiss!
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Cardinals Biggest Fan

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
You Are Such a Good Mom!
Friday, January 09, 2009
New Years In Walt Disney World

Thursday, January 01, 2009
Christmas in Universal

We just got back from Universal Studios where we got to see Grinchmas. This was so much fun. This was an excellent show and I am glad that it was Kaiden's first show. I so love the memories that we create together -
Memories like:
- Watching the Macy's Day Parade in Universal Studios.
- Spending New Years in WDW.
- Taking Kaiden on his first flight!
- Eating in the resturant in CityWalk. I love taking you out on a date!
- Going to downtown Disney and eating at T Rex
I love you and I love that you make every trip a special memory!