Tuesday, June 03, 2008

He is Here!

This is the e-mail that I just sent out to our friends and family...
All - After a long day of labor my wife did delivered Kaiden Edward late this afternoon. He weighed 9 pounds 8 ounces and measured over 22 inches long. After stuggling in labor most of the day the baby's heart rate drop significantly and we all decided at the doctors encouragement to have an emergency C section. My wife will be in the hospital till Friday The baby is doing very well and his heart rate is steady and strong. We have just recently been admitted to a room and the baby and his mother is resting after a very long and difficult day. I want to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers and warm wishes today. I will send out a picture soon.

1 comment:

Amazing said...

Wow, what a day.. It was a difficult one, but I couldn't have done it without you by my side. I was so scared and so sad. I don't know how I would have handled it without you. You kept saying it was going to be ok, but I know you too well and could tell that you were saying that to try to convince yourself too. I truly had had no concerns about the pregnancy the whole time and was the one telling you it was going to be ok. But when the doctor started looking panicked and they gave me the oxygen, and then everyone started coming into the room and watching the monitors after I pushed, I could tell something was wrong. You were right there beside me holding my hand and telling me we were going to get through it together.

You know, I know that God makes men physically stronger, but emotionally, I think it's a pretty hard task for everyone to expect the men to be so 'tough'. I know that those moments had to be just as hard on you as they were on me, yet you did your very best to be emotionally strong for me. I want you to know how much that meant to me. Although I knew you were scared, just having you with me gave me the boost I needed to push through. You really were my hero.. and Kaiden's as well, after he got here and I wasn't able to be with him. Thank you for being our hero!!