Dear World Traveler -
I am so sad that you are not able to be here with me on this trip back to Missouri. I so wanted us to be able to show off our little one. I am so proud of you for giving me a son. I often thoguht about this day, but in many ways never thought it would happen. Now, because of you - I will have a legacy.
I just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you and that I will be home soon.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Kale's Last Day of School
Dear Teacher -
Today we celebrated the kids last day of school and specifically Kale's promotion from 5th grade. It is hard to believe that we have a baby and a child in middle school and high school. You are such a great mom that you should have had a bunch of more kids - but they should all have been and should all be with me...
I know that we don't what the future holds, but I must admit that I do like living life with you. You make every day an adventure and you truly are my best friend!
Today we celebrated the kids last day of school and specifically Kale's promotion from 5th grade. It is hard to believe that we have a baby and a child in middle school and high school. You are such a great mom that you should have had a bunch of more kids - but they should all have been and should all be with me...
I know that we don't what the future holds, but I must admit that I do like living life with you. You make every day an adventure and you truly are my best friend!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
One Week Old
Dear New Mommy -
It is hard to beleive that Kaiden is one week old today. He is growing so fast. I am still so tired over the events of the last week and I know that you are also. I also know that we are going to miss this so I am trying to enjoy each moment!
I really enjoyed taking care of you in the hospital. Here are the things that I will remember the most about his birth and our hospital stay...
- Seeing him cry for the first time - I was so proud of you and how you nurtured him for 9 months.
- taking our walks around the hallway and showing off our new prize.
- you reading his first book - the book that I bought for him about first steps.
- Waking up in the middle of night when he started to cry and watching you be right there to take care of him
- Crispy Cream Donuts on our way home...
- his first visitors and everyone saying that he was so handsome and so perfect!
- Me being able to take care of you and be there when you needed it.
- The water in labor - I swear it was enought to fill a baby pool.
I just love you so much and I look forward to all the birthdays that we will have with this new little man.
New Dad
Friday, June 06, 2008
Coming Home

I can't say that is was the most pleasant place that we have ever stayed, but we are leaving with quite a gift. I arranged for a stork to be placed in the yard annoucing the arrival of Kaiden. I also wanted you to know how much I am glad that we have this new addition so when I went to the store to get your pain medication I got you a dozen yellow roses.
Shonda, I love you so much and I love the life that we are creating together. I know that the next 18 years will fly by with you by my side.
Ace -
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Day One...
Amazing -
We have just completed the first day of Kaiden Edward Gosnell's life and I couldn't be more thrilled and happy. A lot has happened over these first 24 hours. He has taken his first breath, gotten his first bath, received his first shots, and has been held by the most beautiful woman in the world.
I know that the last nine months have been difficult, but I want you to know that you have handled them with grace and beauty. I also, know that the labor did not go as you expected it to, but I am so proud of you! You grew a very healthy 9 pound 7 ounce little boy and delivered him safely into the world. I just couldn't be prouder of you and now I want you to get healthy and rest so that we can leave the hospital and start this new phase of our life together.
I must admit that the last couple of days have been very stressful, but I am just soaking in each moment because I know how special and how long I waited for a moment like this. I love you with all my heart and I know that we were meant to share this moment together.
I am so proud of you and I know that Kaiden is lucky to have mom like you. I know that I am sure lucky that you are my wife.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
He is Here!
This is the e-mail that I just sent out to our friends and family...
All - After a long day of labor my wife did delivered Kaiden Edward late this afternoon. He weighed 9 pounds 8 ounces and measured over 22 inches long. After stuggling in labor most of the day the baby's heart rate drop significantly and we all decided at the doctors encouragement to have an emergency C section. My wife will be in the hospital till Friday The baby is doing very well and his heart rate is steady and strong. We have just recently been admitted to a room and the baby and his mother is resting after a very long and difficult day. I want to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers and warm wishes today. I will send out a picture soon.
Monday, June 02, 2008
One More Day!!!!
Dear New Mommy to be...
We just finished at the doctor's office and we all decided that you should be induced tomorrow. They told us today that the baby weighs over 9 pounds. I can't believe that as we watched the ultrasound that tomorrow I could be holding the little guy in my arms.
I must admit that I am a little sad to see your pregancy come to an end. Here would be my 8 greats from the last nine months...
We just finished at the doctor's office and we all decided that you should be induced tomorrow. They told us today that the baby weighs over 9 pounds. I can't believe that as we watched the ultrasound that tomorrow I could be holding the little guy in my arms.
I must admit that I am a little sad to see your pregancy come to an end. Here would be my 8 greats from the last nine months...
- The first ultrasound and pictures of little Kaiden. I cried a little when I saw his picture and knew that he appeared to be healthy.
- Our trip to South Carolina - I enjoyed spending time with my beautiful pregenant wife. I especially liked our special moments with increased passion... :)
- Cutting up veggies to handle your cravings. I really enjoyed trying to take care of you as you were taking care of our baby.
- The trip to the hospital. I really enjoyed the last moments of your pregenancy. I enjoyed talking to you about our pregency and about our little boy.
- The day you told me that you were pregenant. The way that you told me was very sweet and I loved the baloons and the lovely outfit.
- Getting the baby's room ready! I really enjoyed all the time that we spend putting up the crib and decorating the babies room. I know that Kaiden will love it and he will always know that we have a special place just for him.
- Doctor's Trips. I really loved hearing the heartbeat for the first time. I was so excited and I just couldn't wait to see this little one.
- Deciding on a name. I love going to the bookstore and looking through books together. I also liked playing with all the names - even girl ones like Kiearra Channel....
I love you so much and I can't wait for us to have this baby.
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