Sunday, March 16, 2008

Our Annual Easter Pinic

Dear Spring -

Yesterday we celebrated Easter and our annual Easter pinic with the kids. This is a tradition that we have done for almost 6 years now. I still remember our first Easter pinic downtown next to the Potomic looking at the Washington Monument. Then we took the kids on a paddleboat ride. We finished the day like we always do - searching for eggs.

This year was still a little cold so we had the pinic on the floor in our house. Then we went out and hide the eggs from the kids. I think we all had a good time. I know that you were not able to be as activity as you have been in the past but I want you to know that I love our family and I love our family traditions.

You bring so much joy and spring into my life.


1 comment:

Amazing said...

Ok, first, how did you get this to show up as posting in March? I just looked this morning and it wasn't there and now it is???? I'm so confused.

Anyways, yes, I love our family traditions and I really enjoy our annual Easter picnic. I will be glad to have some warm Easters so that we can actually GO somewhere again, but I think finding those specialty hard to find eggs and hiding them around our house was fun. It took the kids.. and you.. quite a while to find them all this time! I'm looking forward to our Egg hunt in late summer that we are planning so I can hunt too! :)