Monday, December 11, 2006

Our Holiday Open House

Dear Tour Guide...

This past weekend we had our Christmas Open House. It may have been a bad time of the year to do this event, but with your energy and home making abilities you pulled it off with beauty and grace.

I enjoyed opening our house to our friends, neighbors, co-workers and our church family. I really do want our house to filled with activities and much laughter and joy.

I enjoyed most showing you off as my bride and the one that I can't live without. I look forward to developing better friends and being able to have others over.

Thank you for all your hard work. I really do love you and I appreciate all you do to help us to achieve a better life.

1 comment:

Amazing said...

Oh sweetheart, your comments were sweet, but there is NO WAY I could have pulled this off with out YOU!! You were SUCH a tremendous help to me and together I think WE made this a hugely successful event! I loved sharing our home and I love knowing my HOME is with YOU!! I really love you and I enjoy sharing everything with you!