Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Our Day On Jury Duty

Dear Blind Justice -

I want to tell you how much I enjoyed yesterday with you. Even though we spent the first part of our day off downtown because you were called to jury duty - we made the day both special and memorable. I think it so amazing that we can have such deep connection moments in all kinds of places. We can enjoy the island of Fiji or we can enjoy the inside of mall or sitting in a car talking. Our relationship is so different then anything I have ever experienced.

We spent much of the day looking for a new comforter for our bed and although we didn't find what we were looking for, we did find each other and our vision for bedroom for the future. I told you yesterday, and I really meant it - "I really care little about what the comforter looks like, along as you are the one that I get to sleep next to underneath it."

Now off to a busy week, but I will not forget this day. Another day of a long honeymoon.


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