Monday, December 25, 2006
A Christmas Day to Remember
I want to thank you for such a wonderful Christmas last night. I am talking about our special Christmas after the Christmas Eve service. I was deeply touched by your special gifts that you gave to me. I have always loved the gifts that remind you of us - things about hope, banannas, and your special memory of the works of Rodin. That was a very special gift - I love looking at it each morning. Also, the wondeful lovers fountain was a surprise, but you were right in knowing that I loved it.
However, you are the best gift that I received this Christmas. I love you and I love sharing everyday with you!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
My Birthday
Thank you for making my birthday special. You surprised me with my gift and with a nice a quiet dinner at the Mexican Resturant. I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are the very best and you really treat me like royalty.
I always do a lot of thinking around my birhtday. For some reason this year was a little different. I seemed to be more in the moment and not as reflective as usual. I think in many ways you have helped me to accomplish much of what I have always been striving for. Together we have found a beatuiful home - I home that we both have always dreamed. Because of you I have the joy of experiencing fatherhood. You have provided me with a family that I love and adore. You are my best friend and the one that I want to share all of my joys and sorrows with - I love you for that and you are the most beatuiful wife that any man could ever dream of....
I really do love you with all my heart and because of you every day is special!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Our Holiday Open House

Dear Tour Guide...
This past weekend we had our Christmas Open House. It may have been a bad time of the year to do this event, but with your energy and home making abilities you pulled it off with beauty and grace.
I enjoyed opening our house to our friends, neighbors, co-workers and our church family. I really do want our house to filled with activities and much laughter and joy.
I enjoyed most showing you off as my bride and the one that I can't live without. I look forward to developing better friends and being able to have others over.
Thank you for all your hard work. I really do love you and I appreciate all you do to help us to achieve a better life.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Happy 9 Month Anniversary...
I can't believe that it has already been 9 months since we stood on that deck in Fiji to say our I do's. Nine months ago at this time we had just been to the prayer mountain and had offered up our prayers for each other and for our marriage. That day really was the best day of my life! It is hard to believe that nine months have already passed - just think we have 49 years and 3 months yet to spend together. You truly are my one and only soul-mate!
I just want you to know that I love you with all my heart. I have enjoyed watching you and working with you over the past few months. I just can't wait to see what our future holds....
I love you now and always.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
My Little Christmas Tree
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Our New House - My Wish List

I really enjoyed our few moments of christening the house this past weekend. With you this dream that I have always had has finally come true. The funny thing is that now I not only have a house but a home. Baby, I really have found my home with you.
I wanted to give you my part of my wish list for our new house. Enjoy.
- I wish that I will get to see my child's first steps in this home.
- I wish that every room will be filled with memories of laughter and happiness.
- I wish that we will have moments of warmth in every room like we did on the step to our living room the day that we moved in.
- I wish that will will make snow angels together here at the first snow.
- I wish that you will feel how much that you are the one that I want to come home to everynight.
- I wish that our beach room will remind us of all the fun and memories that we have at the ocean.
- I wish that lighthouse bathroom will remind you of our exploring the lighthouses at Nags Head and will help us always be explorers.
- I wish that our love will be expressed in each room with care.
- I wish that the deck will be filled with family and friends at various cookouts and friendly gatherings.
- I wish that our neighbors will become our friends for a lifetime.
- I wish that our new church will be started in our new home and our new neighborhood.
- I wish for this house to see our love grow and our appreciation deepen for each other and each new day.
I love you because you help my dreams become real.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Reasons that I am Thankful
Today we are celebrating Thanksgiving. I have enjoyed spending the last week sharing in our Thanksgiving with both your parents and mine. I will never forget our first Thanksgiving in our new house and our first dinner in our diningroom. Thank you for making our Thanksgiving so special.
Each Thanksgiving we share why we are thankful. Let me tell you the reasons that I am thankful this thanksgiving:
1. I am thankful that I have a beautiful women to share my life with.
2. I am thankful that in you I have found my soulmate.
3. I am thankful that you chose to be my bride.
4. I am thankful that we decided on Fiji as the place to get married.
5. I am thankful that you were there to share with me at my graduation.
6. I am thankful that we worked together to select and to decorate our new home.
7. I am thankful that in you I have found my best friend.
8. I am thankful for your faith.
9. I am thankful that you are such a great mother and wife.
10. I am thankful that we chose Teddie from the pound.
11. I am thankful for your love.
12. I am thankful for your grace and beauty.
13. I am thankful that we are best friends and that we can share with each other.
14. I am thankful that we are going to be married for 50 years.
15. I am thankful that you are you!
Thank you for sharing your life with me.....
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Our Football Weekend
You have a special way of creating memories and making my every day special days. This past weekend you really touched me with my "football package" for my psudo birthday. The gifts were special, but what was more special was the time and energy you put into developing and designing my package.
I really lovew your creativity and your flexibility. We accomplished a lot in a short period of time and I think it is safe to say that this past weekend was a weekend that we will always remember. I love that we can do things that come out of the blue as well as plan and organize our life. You offer me the best of both worlds.
Just know that I truly am your biggest fan!
I love you because of all the suprises that you offer...
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Adventure Park USA

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed our date the other night. It is not very often that we get to stop the maddness of life and enjoy the simple things like a cookie or a game of minuature golf - but the other night was just simple and wonderful. It was nice to spend a couple of hours with each other and creating a special memory that was so much like other memories of the past.
You gift to me was amazing - I would say it might be the best gift I have ever received, although you have given me many great gfits through the years. You are my special love and my very best friend.
I am looking forward to the adventure we call life and sharing it with you. I love you because you help me to enjoy the simple things in life!
Monday, August 14, 2006
A Date Night at Dupont Circle
I know we both have been extremely busy lately but I wanted to drop you a note to tell you how much I enjoyed our date night at Dupont Circle. I love exploring new places with you, new restruants, and new experiences. I love just hopping on a metro and finding a new place to share a memory.
You were a great date, by the way. Being able to share a pastry, and read a book and grab the food at a sidewalk cafe was a wonderful night on the town. Just so you know - you are the best date I have ever had.
I love you because together we share the simple pleasures of life.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
A Look into our Future...

Nov 22 - Dec 21
You'll be pleased to know that someone who has been by your side is back with you -- for the long haul. You can work together well.
It is true you know. I am here and will be by your side for the LONG HAUL! I love you!!
Then I found this one that I thought you might be interested in....

Jun 23 - Jul 23
The Future looks bright for you. Great changes are coming. You can count on the one that that is closest to you. You are greatly loved and are finding true contentment. Enjoy it and the ones that are around you for they love you very much.
Our Day Trip
Last weekend we spent a day driving down the coast of Maryland. We found a few new towns and a few new beaches. It has always amazed me how we can spend a day doing something great or something that appears to be nothing at all and yet feel a deep and special connection. That Saturday was another one of those days....
I love that we can explore our world together....
Thursday, July 06, 2006
50 Reasons I love you!
- I love you because you go to great lengths to give me what I desire.
- I love you because you lose yourself in the innocence of a moment.....
- I love you because of the special little touches that you add to my life.....
- I love you because you care for even the least of us.
- I love you because you help me to lose myself in your world even in the midst of a department store....
- I love you because you help me to realize of my dreams...
- I love you because you are the best gift that I have ever received....
- I love you because you make every holiday a great holiday.
- I love you because you help me to see things like I have never seen them before.
- I love you because you make everyday like a birthday....
- I love you because of who you are not just the experiences we share...
- I love you because you add the little touches to my life.
- I love you because of the way that you express yourself!
- I love you because you help me to set goals and become a better person.
- I love you and I forgive you and I look forward to spending my life with you.
- I love you because you think so much like I do that sometimes it is scary....
- I love you because you are my family now.
- I love you because you are always beautiful no matter what you wear.
- I love you because you are the best date I have ever been with.
- I love you because you help me to look better than I do...
- I love you because of your love for God.
- I love you because you make my insides warm....
- I love you because you are there for me when I hurt.
- I love you because you always know the right thing to give to me.
- I love you because you make me excited to be your husband.
- I love you because our relationship is so different then anything I have ever experienced.
- I love you because you are now my wife!
- I love you because of your deep love for God.
- I love you because of the memories that we share.
- I love you because of the traditions that we have created together...
- I love you because you help me be the man that I have always wanted to be....
- I love the way you fill our home with warmth and love! and I love you because you are sweet and you go to great lengths to please me!
- I love you because you make me lose myself in my thoughts of you!
- I love you because of the way that you support my dreams
- I love you because you please me so well.
- I love you because you make everyday a graduation day!
- I love you because I miss you when you are gone.
- I love you for being such a great mom!
- I love you because you have given me a family.
- I love you because you are beatuful -
- I love you because of our future together.
- I love you because you are that which I could never forget......
- I love you because you really are my best friend and I love walking in the woods with you.
- I love you because you sing and you bring a song to my heart!
- I love you because together we accomplish more!
- I love you because you believe in me so deeply.
- I love you because of the trips that we experience together.
- I love you because of our electric kisses.
- I love you because of who you are and not what you do!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Out 4th of July

I have always loved the 4th of July. The celebration, the rememberance, and the fireworks. You made a special memory for me a few years ago when we got to celebrate the 4th downtown on the National Mall (something I have always wanted to do). Well, yesterday was not the picture perfect day that I have always imagined, but it was a gret day because we got to spend it together. One of the things that I love about you are your kisses. Every time we kiss it is like fireworks go off...I love those kisses....
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Our Memory at Great Falls

Yesterday we explored Great Falls park and I must say that I was taken aback by its beauty. It had powerful water that ran through the rocks and over parts of the valley. The beauty of seeing butterflies, and wild deer and the fawn and the fox all were almost breathtaking. I loved walking on the trails with you by my side as my wife and as my best friend. You know that I love exploring new places and I know that there is much left to explore at this great park.
However, I must say that the most beautiful thing that I saw yesterday was you. When we parted for a few minutes and then I saw you standing and looking at the water, well let me just say that you took my breath away. I have never loved anyone like I love you.
Yesterday we made a memory that I will cherish the rest of my life.
Thank you baby doll -
Your Ace!
Monday, July 03, 2006
My New Job
I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate the way that you have supported me over the past few weeks as I have been looking at different job offers. Your encouragement has made the difference and I really am thankful that I have found someone that believes in me so deeply. Your discernment I have come to lean heavily on as I know that you always point me in the right direction. And to know that you love me for what I am and not what I do brightens my face always. I do not know what life will bring to us but I am thankful that I have someone so caring, so wise and so loving to walk this journey with. Thank you for your help and here is to a new part of our life together.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Our First Article
I can't tell you how excited I am that we have had our first article written together published. You have helped me for years edit my work andcome up with ideas and thoughts. But now for us to be publsihed in a magizine together is truly amazing. I know this is the first of many endevors that we will take on together. I can't wait to see what our future holds.
I love you because together we accomplish more!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
A New Worship Leader

Dear Little Song Bird -
I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about how you led worship this past Sunday. I really enjoyed seeing your enthusiam and love for God shine through. I could tell that you were not only singing songs, but feeling and experiencing the songs that you were singing. I have always loved to hear you sing - it always has brought a smile to my face.
I love you because you sing and you bring a song to my heart!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
A Walk in the Woods

Dear Mother Nature,
On Sunday we took a surprise trip to the Woods. There a beautiful wooded park close to where we live and yet we have never explored it. We had a few hours to spare because we were having an open house. We found a trail and we began to walk along the stream. We found many things in the woods. We found different colored leaves, we found a stream, we found a tree that had been struck by lightening, we found honeysuckle, we found little eggs on the back of a leaf, and we found wild strawberries. But most of all, I found why I fell in love you. I loved watching you talk to the kids and show them how to eat a honeysuckle. I loved how cute you were while trying to walk in heels, so I had to go barefoot and give you my sandals. I love you because of your fun and creative side as you made wild bird noises. You really are my best friend and I love walking in the woods with you.
Monday, June 05, 2006
I Read This and Thought of You...
I love you because you are that which I could never forget......
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Our New Dog - Adopted

My new mommy -
Thank you for picking me. I so enjoyed our first visit at the humane society. Of all the people I met you by far was my favorite. I kept hoping that it was me that you were going to pick. And then when you brought the kids, I just loved them so much and already felt like I was a part of your family.
I was so sad this week when I didn't see you again...I started to lose hope! But then yesterday you came back and I was so excited. This time you were carrying a leash and I was hoping that you had come to take me home...and you did! :)
I was so excited in the car, I couldn't wait to see you and the kids. Then I got to go to the store. I loved picking out treats and hearing the woman in the gromming part tell me how beautiful I am. I picked out my bed and then I picked out my crate (I knew I wouldn't like that part, but I wanted to make you happy.)
Then you surprised me by taking me to the dog park. I loved meeting the other dogs. I loved running and playing and sniffing. Thank you for protecting me from the big dog... :)
Then finally home. When I saw the house I tried to run in and I got so excited I flipped over....The hosue was the best - it looked like you had cleaned it just for me! Then I met the cats :( but I think we can be friends if they quit clawing my face and hissing at me...but you loved me and that is all that I cared about.
I was so tired by the end of the day. I slept so good last night - finally home :)
The dog with no name....
Monday, May 22, 2006
My Chocolate Barbie

True Story: So we were at church yesterday and Shonda was wearing all brown. As she was at the front table arranging papers, a little 6 year old girl came up to her said, "You look just like Chocolate Barbie!"
Yes, I would agree - I have always thought that you reminded me of Barbie. You are so beautiful and regal. So I have decided beyond a doubt that one of your new nicknames will be "chocolate barbie!"
I am so lucky to have a woman that is so beautiful to share my life with. I love waking up next to you and being able to look at your wonderful face.
I love you because you are beatuful -
Your Ken
Friday, May 19, 2006
Our New Dog - Maybe

Dear New Mommy -
Today we found this little doggie without a home. We met with him and he seemed to be very pleased with us. I think he would make a great addition to our family. This could be the dog that we have talked about and dreamed about for awhile now. I know that he would be very lucky to have you as a mom! You are so sweet and you care deeply about pleasing those that you love. I know that he would love to take walks with us and he would love to sit on your lap and be talked to. I am just so glad that we are going through this expereince together and I know that we atre very blessed. But most of all I am blessed because I have you in my life.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Mother's Day
I wanted to take just a moment to let you know how I appreicate you as a mom. The way that you think about the kids best interest and do little things to please them is very special. You try to create the best home environment and keep everyone pleased - and I know that is not an easy task. I hope my small token of flowers and a bed tray are simple reminders of how much we all love you and appreicate all the little things that you do throughout the year.
I love you for being such a great mom!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
I So Miss You
I know that you are gone right now giving your presentation. I just want you to know that I miss you terribly. I love you so much and I can't wait for you to return. I am so proud of you and I know that you are going to do great! You are a wonderful speaker and you are so knowledgable that I know that everyone will just love your presentation.
I just so miss you
- I miss your smiling face in the morning
- I miss your soft kisses at night
- I miss our conversation on the way to work
- I miss your e-mails throughout the day just to let me know you are thinking about me
- I miss looking into your wonderful eyes when we talk
- I miss your laughter in my ear
Please hurry home...
Monday, May 08, 2006
Graduation Weekend

I want to thank you for making my graduation weekend such a wonderful experience. You made me feel so special and wonderful. You pleased me greatly. I was so surprised by the gift of trip to the waterpark. It was such a great family outing and it was an experience I will never forget. I enjoyed riding the rides with you and even enjoyed our time in the lazy river. I will also never forget the few minutes that we shared in the hot tub as the night came to a close. You really treat me like a prince! You did so well at surprising me also. I really did not see this coming. You should be very proud of yourself.
I was also very proud to have you by my side as I received my double masters

I love you because you make everyday a graduation day!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
The Shonda Book

Dear Woman of Study -
I want to thank you for our conversation last night. I really enjoyed our talk and think we really leanred a few things about each other. Years ago, I told you that one day I would write a book about you and about how to love you. You are very complex and you deserved to be studied. In our wedding vows I promised to learn something new about you each and every day. I love that you are so deep. I love that you have so much going on in oyur world and in your mind and I am very thankful that I get to share those thoughts with you.
Yesterday I learned is that your greatest desire is to please me. This is still so hard for me to understand. I am so surprised that you care so much about making me happy. I just want you to know that you do make me happy. I am very pleased with you and I love you with all of my heart.
I love you because you please me so well.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Graduation Cruise
Yesterday we were able to go on a dinner cruise on the Potomic in honor of my graduation this coming Saturday. The cruise was for graduates and their guests. I loved having you by my side and I have always loved being on the water with you.
I can't believe that I am finally graudating. This has been a long journey and I want to thank you for all your help. All the proofreading of papers, encouragement, and sacrfice that you have made to allow me to persue this dream that I had. You are my greatest supporter and I am very thankful to have you be my side - now and always.
I love you because of the way that you support my dreams.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Just Thinking About You
I am just thinking about you today....
i am just thinking about you today...
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Perfect Little Wife
This past weekend I had an old friend from college come and stay with us a few days. You made his stay a perfect one. You made the house so clean and warm. You fixed an excellent dinner and you were a wonderful conversationalist. I think my friend was so impressed that I had found myself such a catch. He said 'you were very sweet, and you worked very hard to please me." I like that and I agree!
I really feel privileged to get to see a side of you that not every one sees. I love the way you fill our home with warmth and love! and I love you because you are sweet and you go to great lengths to please me!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
My Little Editor
Today you have been helping me to revise my KSA's. I love the fact that you help me to think about things I have not thought about before. You really help me to look better than I really am. You have edited so many articles for me and together we have even written a few. I can't wait to see how we work together in the future.
I want you to know that even though we have been busy today, you have constantly been on my mind. I love you so much and I am so thankful that we are on our long honeymoon.
I love you because you help me be the man that I have always wanted to be....
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My Little Easter Bunny -
I had such a great weekend with you this weekend. I enjoyed working on the house together. You were a great resource as together we painted the kitchen, put on new knobs, and hung a new light in the kitchen. It really looks like a brand new place.
Then on Sunday morning to see you lead worship was very amazing. I have always loved to hear you sing, but this Sunday was very special. I don't think I will ever forget the cross and what it looked like as all the red ribbons hung from it. You are a great worship leader and I can really sense your love for the Lord. He loves you, He forgives you and He wants you now as much as ever.
Then our pinic yesterday. It was a wonderful experience to be out at the park and hide eggs. Then to get and read your card...awhhh, it was jsut so sweet.
I love you because of the traditions that we have created together...
Monday, April 10, 2006
Wedding Trip Reflection -
As we have just celebrated our one month anniversay it finds me thinking about our trip. I want thank you for going through the pictures last night and writing in the album that we are sending to my parents. What you wrote is very special and it almost makes me want to keep the album -
I love you for all the little touches that you give to life...
Now back to my wedding reflection - I am thinking today about the morning of our wedding. We went over the villiage next to our resort and climb a hill up to their prayer tent. It was a beautiful sight as we overlooked the villiage, the resort, and the place that we were gong to be married.
At the top of the mountain I felt so close to God and so close to you. I remember how sincere your prayer was and I remember touching your cheek as the tears ran down them. I prayed that God would bless our union and that He would help me to be a leader in our relationship.
I could not have scripted a better way to start our wedding day. This is a defining moment that we will never forget.
Also, I remeber how much joy we felt when we saw a rainbow in one of the wedding pictures before our wedding. We both felt as if it was God telling us that He heard our prayers and He will answer them.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Our Anniversary - One Month
Today is our one month anniversary. It is so hard to believe that we have alreayd been married a month. Only 49 years and 11 months until we hit our goal of 50.
One month ago at this time we were climbing the prayer mountain in Fiji to pray for our wedding and for our marriage. I will never forget that day. The climbing together with our guide Ville through the weeds, flowers, and trees up the hilly mountain. The View was amazing and I really felt like I was an Old Testament Chaaracter climbing the mountain to be close to God. Once at the top we were able to sit down next the the tent and cross and pray together. It was a very meanuingful prayer as we repented of our past sins and we asked God for His blessing. I belive that the sun that day, the rainbow in the afternoon, and the sunset at night were all signs of God's acceptance. You know, I didn't think about this until now - but it did not rain that day and yet there was still a rainbow in the sky...
I felt so close to as we prayed. I heard our words of confession and our heart-felt desire to make our marriage in line with God's principles and His desires.
You really are the best wife any man could ask for.
Ace -
Update: At the end of this day we saw another rainbow. It was so cool because it was exactly a month after our wedding.
I love you because of your deep love for God. Happy one month anniversary.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Our Wedding Video

Dear Video Vixen -
Yesterday, we received a copy of a wedding video that Dean had made for us. Last night we watched it and I so enjoyed watching you as you watched it. He had added music to our ceremony, and then the reception afterwards.
The video reminded me of how beautiful you looked that day! You are an amazing woman and you were the most beautiful bride that I have ever seen. I don't think I will ever forget the feeling that I had when I saw you walk down the aisle to meet me. I kept looking around and throught the trees to try to get just a glimpse of you. You literally took my breath away!
I know that I will have many memories to share about our wedding and our time in fiji!
I love you so much - and I love you because you are the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen!
Groom on the video.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Our Day On Jury Duty
I want to tell you how much I enjoyed yesterday with you. Even though we spent the first part of our day off downtown because you were called to jury duty - we made the day both special and memorable. I think it so amazing that we can have such deep connection moments in all kinds of places. We can enjoy the island of Fiji or we can enjoy the inside of mall or sitting in a car talking. Our relationship is so different then anything I have ever experienced.
We spent much of the day looking for a new comforter for our bed and although we didn't find what we were looking for, we did find each other and our vision for bedroom for the future. I told you yesterday, and I really meant it - "I really care little about what the comforter looks like, along as you are the one that I get to sleep next to underneath it."
Now off to a busy week, but I will not forget this day. Another day of a long honeymoon.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
One More Day
Tomorrow is our big day. Today we are celebrating on the island resort of Namale. We are getting ready to go to breakfast and then off to town to get our marriage papers. I have so enjoyed our last few days together - even our ten hour plane trip. I have enjoyed the cava ceremony, going to church in the fijian village, swimming in the ocean, Looking at off the blowhole deck, and walking through the jungle. I love you so much and can't wait to make you my wife.
Always remember - all I want is one more day with you!
Monday, February 27, 2006
Valentine's Day
I wanted to tell you how special this valentine's day was. I was glad to share this day with you and the gifts that we gave to each other was simply wonderful. I enjoyed eating dinner with you and then reading 1 Cor. chapter 2.
Then we traded gifts. You gave me a stuffed bear and my ring to be resized. I gave you a slide to go on your necklace and a small necklace with a sprial on it. Then you gave me the big gift of a the night - a are so great and as the guys at EB ganes siad, " you are the best girlfriend ever."
I love you because you always know the right thing to give to me.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Sheba and More
This past Sunday morning Sheba passed away. You know how much she meant to me and how I loved her. I want to thank you for all you did for her and me this weekend. You didn't make a fuss when I brought her in to watch her on Saturday. You made hotdogs for her and then sliced them into little pieces so that she could eat them (those special little touches that you do so well.) You weren't bothered by the fact that I wanted to stay downstairs and be with her. You made hot dogs for her again that night - her last meal.
Then you sat downstairs with her and I for several hours. You held her so that she could breathe better and then you talked me to and from the vet's office. You helped me clean the snow off of my car...And When I got back you stayed up and talked to me some more.
Sweetheart, they say that a dog is man's best friend. Sheba was a good friend to me, but you are and always will be my best friend.
Ace -
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Day 29.....
Only 29 days until our wedding day. On Monday we went to hangerstown to do some shopping for our trip. Although it was a little chilly outside, you warmed my spirits by your presence. I couldn't help thinking today about the day in a few weeks where we would be standing together on warm beach watching the sunset.
I love you now and more each day.
I love you because you make my insides warm....
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
24 hour prayer Session
This past weekend we prayed together as part of the 24 hour prayer session for the church. We had the 4:30 am to 5:30 am slot. Although this was not the slot that we would have chosen I would not have changed it for anything.
The outline we followed was:
A time of confession and repentence - we did this alone, but I was drawn close to you that you laid yourself bare before God.
Next together we prayed through Phil. 1:1-11. We spent almost the entire hour doing this. I love hearing you pray. I feel very close to you when you are close to God.
Next, we sat in silence listening to God...
and then we prayed for each other and praised God for who He is.
I love you because of your love for God.
Friday, February 03, 2006
My Suit....
This past Monday we went into MacArthur Mall to Men's Warehouse and gound the suit that I will be wearing for the wedding. I really liek trying on my clothes for you. I like looking good for you - since I think you look good all the time...
It is hard to believe that our wedding is only a few weeks away...
I can't wait until I put that suit on again, because when I do I know it will be our wedding day.
I love you because you help me to look better than I do...
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Date Night
I want you to know how much I enjoyed our date last night. I really enjoy spending time with you and throughly enjoyed our conversation last night. I wish you would not have been on your diet so you could have tried the meal that fixed (pasta with a special sauce...1 can diced tomatoes, 1/4 cup of oil, teaspoon of ginger, teaspoon of organeo, 1/4 cup cheese - cooked then added to the cooked pasta.) I will make it again somenight just for us.
Then after dinner (me with my pasta and you with your green beans) we looked at the pictures that you had developed of Christmas and a roll from way back in Fedurary. Then we listen to a CD on relationships. Lastly we read 1 Cor. chapter one together and prayed.
I love you because you are the best date I have ever been with.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Dress and More
Yesterday we went clothes shopping...and as you know you picked out your dress for the wedding. I am will never forget the smile I saw on your face as you made your way back to the car...(since you would not let me see you as you tried on your dresses).
I can't wait to see what you look like....
I love you because you are always beautiful no matter what you wear.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Our Trip to Missouri
I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed our trip back to Missouri to visit with my parents. Although I wasn't able to post at the time - the trip meant a great deal to me and the fact that we (you) made it happen will always touch my heart. My family is important to me and I want more then anything for you to know them and love them. I was very proud to take you home and to show you off as my girlfriend and soon to be wife.
I will have many memories - playing cards, opening presents, shopping, going to the lighthouse and lovers leap, but the thing that I will probably always remember the most is the last day when we visited my dad at his plant. I think it was special for several reasons. 1. He is most likely going to retire this summer, so this would be the last time that we would get to see dad in that environment. An environment that has meant so much to him throughout the years and is such a part of my history. 2. I could see how proud my dad was to show you around the plant and you appeared to be very interested. 3. I will never forget watching you ride in the loader (pictures yet to come). That is an experience and I will always cherish that memory.
Thank you for valuing family and for working so hard to create such a positive impression on mine.
I love you because you are my family now.
P.S. We also never forget good ole Garth Brooks and how he watched over us!
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Christmas Memories
I will have many memories from Christmas 2006. The Chrsitmas eve service, Christmas morning breakfast with your parents, and our private little Christmas on Christmas Eve night. We stayed up until 4:00 am trading presents and talking. I will never forget all the special gifts you gave to me. You have me:
The book picture - to go in my office...
The tiger statue - because I will always be your tiger
The ornament with our picture from downtown - to go on our special tree
The Hope candle - because we are always to have hope in each other and in our relationship.
the star wars figures - because you want to share in my childhood and you cherish my childhood memories.
but the gift that caused the most laughter was...
the bananna statue that we bought for each other. I can never remember laughing that hard at Chrstmas then I did when you opened yours just after I opened mine...We really do have a deep connection.
Thank you for sharing this Christmas with me.
I love you because you think so much like I do that sometimes it is scary....
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Burning the Past...

Dear Campfire Companion -
This past weekend we created a special memory for healing and for moving forward. We took all of our past pictures and notes from previous loves and asked for forgiveness for the mistakes that we have made. We them tossed them into a small fire and prayed together.
I will never forget this night. I loved hearing you pray and I felt that God was in our midst. He was there showing us a path to a new beginning. I know that we have made many mistakes in our life and in our relationship, but I truly believe that we are on a path to a new destination.
I love you and I forgive you and I look forward to spending my life with you.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Goals for 2006
This past weekend we set down at the beginning of the year and established some goals. They were:
1. To be on a budget my March 1
2. To be debt free by the end of the year
3. To take a family vacation
4. To have a date once every two months
5. To continue with our Wednesday night date night every other week.
6. To have no negative talk after 9:30 pm
7. Positive Moment at the end of each day.
8. To read a chapter of the Bible every two weeks and discuss at our date night - starting with 1 Cor.
9. Pray together once a week.
10. To have a lunch date each week.
I love you because you help me to set goals and become a better person.