Dear Mommy -
Dad let me use his blog to write you this letter on my first birthday. I hope you don't mind. I just wanted to say thank you for all you have done for me during this first year of life. I know that I havn't said these things yet because I am still learning how to talk but I wanted you to know...
I have so enjoyed how you have watched me every night since my birth. I know that I haven't let you get much sleep but it is because I hate being away from you and when I wake up and you are not there I get very sad. I hope you notice the smile that comes to my face when you walk into the room. You just brighten my life so much.
You have given so much to me and I have really appreciated it. I love the time that you give me each day to play and how you spend time during dinner to feed me. I enjoy the moments that we have and I feel so close to you.
Thank you for all that you have taught me this year. You have helped to teach me how to crawl, walk, eat real food, and laugh. You are the best mommy any little boy could hope to have and I look forward to telling you that each day of my life.
Mommy, I really love you and I so lucky that God choose you to give me to. Thank you for all you have done for me this first year. I would have never made it without you.
Love your one year old son.